van nasty

Monday, August 07, 2006

i love a gay parade

so, work has been craaaazy lately hence the lack of updates. i was at work thursday until 11:30 p.m. and the next day worked another four hours of un-paid overtime (mind you, our office closes at 12pm fridays in august, so i still got out earlier than usual, but, thats not the point!). not to mention, t.p. calls with two tickets to the sold-out-in-five-minutes-because-its-the-last-show-evah sleater kinney show at the 9:30 club and i cant go. and to add insult to injury, he calls a half dozen times trying to convince me that im slacking off on my audiophile duties and should skip work in favor of the show.

friday i was planning to go for drinks at our version of "cheers" but was so exhausted it was all i could do to drag my fat ass to the grocery store, load up on chocolate, and pass out in front of the t.v. watching "ab fab." although i actually managed to accomplish quite a bit - i did laundry, grocery shopping, dishes, cleaning. how's that for a hottt friday night?

my saturday went something like this:

5:36 p.m. - call from t.p.
t.p.: hey! what are your plans tonight? are we going out?!?
me: i have no plans, but i could meet you out after work.
t.p.: cool. call me later.

7:15 p.m. - text from me to t.p.
"lets go somewhere where we can sit outside now that its not oppressively hot. just not local 16. too crowded"

8:48 p.m. - text from t.p. to me:

8:49 p.m. - text from me to t.p.:
"erm... i didnt have any specific ideas"

8:50 p.m. - text from t.p. to me:
"okay. well think on it and get back to me"

10:15 - text from me to t.p.:
"im shit outta ideas but im down if your going to adams morgan/u street/dupont"

all of this is to say we had plans, right? not confirmed-set-in-stone plans, but agreed upon, we-are-meeting-for-a-drink-and-hang-out-session plans, right? so what do you think happens? i call a few minutes before i get off work; no answer. i call again a few minutes after work; no answer. i call again, 20 minutes later, no answer. and still, two days later, no communication. he could not possibly be annoyed with me after all that!?!

thankfully in the intervening time i got a call from two fabu friends who were going to a gay parade, so i met them at a house warming where my girlfriend a.t. and i were the only people in the room born with tits and a uterus. gay parties are simultaneously frustrating and liberating. you can be as wild, obnoxious and embarrassing as you want because no one cares about you. seriously, you could run about with your knickers on your head and your public hair on fire, and would be lucky to have someone throw their white wine spritzer on you to put your flaming girl parts out. and in the mean time you will spend a few hours staring at yummy, well-built eye candy and know that you are the only person in the room going home alone. yippee.


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van nasty

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Location: van nasty, washington, dc

i have better taste in music than you and more makeup than a drag queen.

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