is this a coincidence?
Labels: there is no such thing as privacy in an internet world
Labels: there is no such thing as privacy in an internet world
i go to a lot of shows. and, like people who tend to regularly do things, i have a list of pet peeves, mostly about newbies who are oblivious to the existence of show etiquette, or, y'know, common courtesy.
Labels: a few of my least favorite things, rant, weekend rundown
despite having grown up in d.c., the dismemberment plan's "final" show at fort reno was both my first fort reno show, and my first time hearing the band (my teen years were punctuated by horrible choices in music -- my first c.d. was c&c music factory if that tells you anything). last nights sold out reunion show reminded me how much i love them; something i havent thought about since seeing their actual final show at the 9:30 club.
Labels: music and life, the smurfettes, weekend rundown
the fact that im a music dork is well documented. months ago i saw an awesome plug-in for macs that runs through your itunes and creates a calendar of upcoming concerts for any band in your itunes. i tried to outsmart the system and make it run on my pc with no luck. a few weeks ago, i saw iconcert which does the same thing for your pc; yes, its possible that i just diseased my computer, but honestly, thats a risk im willing to take. not only does it create an awesome calendar, but it allows you to add shows not included on your itunes. unlike other "i" products which boggle the mind.
Labels: technology: making your life easier, things you actually want
oh, youve already seen this?
dear students living in the university of california building:
Labels: naive or cock tease?
i received this line in an email from someone recapping our conversation in a bar a few weeks ago: "any girl who makes a joke about having a cock in her ear is worth talking to as far as i'm concerned." i have no recollection of said comment, and i was sober at the time.
last night, j.k. and i went to the justin jones and the driving rain show at the continuing my recent trend of seeing singer-song writers yummy enough to eat (after reading his press clips, i realized he doesnt just bare a striking resemblance to the cute boy who served me a drink at 930 club on wednesday, but in fact is the cute boy who served me a gin and tonic on wednesday).
Labels: the smurfettes, weekend rundown
overheard on the X2:
Labels: overheard on the x2
last friday i flew to birmingham for my first trip to the 'bam and the 'ham. i spent the entire two hour flight convinced i was going to die. as ive gotten older, ive become less and less comfortable flying; not only is it unnatural to be suspended 35,000 feet above ground, but, it seems unnecessary to have to sit so close to a complete stranger that i can smell what she ate for lunch. thankfully, i did not die. however my aisle-mate was kind enough to point out that in her experience the pilots who fly the route "arent very good. and these small planes make you feel everything. and they arent good in weather [of which, we were in the middle of having]."
the actual engagement party was also mind blowing. we arrived at the house where we five men were hired to direct parking, and where golf carts drove you to the door. while we were in the limo driving to the party one of the party guests asked what was manufactured in gurley; i resisted my natural urge to say "blonds." though i did chortle when my friend said she was taking bible study.
the party was literally awesome. i guess if you grow up in a house that looks like southfork ranch, you wouldnt think much of this place, but it looked more like versailles than versailles does. and, out of 250 people, there were only two brunettes, and *gasp* we were also both democrats.
unfortunately, i had to leave early on sunday to get back to dc for work. whereas on the flight to birmingham i was afraid i was going to die, on my way back from huntsville i decided crash landing would actually be preferable to listening to the men seated behind me continue to debate abortion and praise dubya bush as the smartest man alive.
overheard at the engagement party:
"my favorite evangelist is from your town!"
Labels: link-a-licious, mid-week roundup, vacation all i ever wanted, weekend rundown, women age weddings and other forces of nature
they now make "diet coke plus" fortified with vitamins and minerals. unfortunately, the added vitamins dont include vitamin d meaning i still have to occasionally leave the house.
Labels: inexplicable products
what does this even mean?!?
Labels: democracy and crazy people
occasionally something happens that pierces even my cynical, shriveled heart. yesterday i attended a congressional oversight hearing where two sitting supreme court justices testified before congress, a virtually unheard of event. true to form (in high school i was voted "most likely to be a politician"), i was there an hour early. while the topic itself was mundane, i had expected that other people like me would attend just to sit in the same room as two supreme court justices. turns out, i was wrong. apparently thats not how other people define a "good time." not only was i the first person in line, but i was one of 20 people in the audience. there were actually more members of congress in the room than there were press or peanuts.
ive never been a tori amos fan, but mama hearts this song.
Labels: leaked
dear van nasty:
Labels: because its my sexy blog and i can do what i want, happy birthday baby blog, holidays and other annual events
when horrible, senseless things happen you have to deal with them the only way you can - by making fun of models.
Labels: random, sometimes models actually make you feel better about yourself like when they open their mouths, thanks ah
my love of planning is well known, my inability to do it well is just becoming obvious.
Labels: le sigh
for a reason i cant articulate and dont understand, this article brought tears to my eyes. which was really awkward because i am at work, and someone stopped by the desk to give me their dirty laundry (for the cleaning service that picks up at the apartment building), and i had to look up and blink away the unshed tears.
its been a great week, though, nothing has really gone as planned.
Labels: mid-week roundup, weekend rundown
as mentioned in a previous post, i heart austin (though its been pointed out to me that its easy to love austin in the spring; loving it in august is much, much harder).
Labels: because its my sexy blog and i can do what i want, mixtape, random
dear velveeta:
Labels: boys (and other things that dont make sense), boys: its okay to hate them, ew. no., rant
is having a penis in some way connected to an inability to make plans? does testosterone double as a commitment inhibitor? i realize im not the first single woman to bitch about men's inability to commit (i have a friend who considers his cosi coffee card to be "too high pressure") but, im not talking about a man im dating, im talking about men im friends with (two is still plural. dont judge). the majority of the worlds billionaires are men, as are the majority of world leaders; this creates the illusion that men are planners capable of creating and maintaining a schedule. they arent; all of these men have secretaries and wives who do that for them. want proof? ask a male friend (one not interested in getting in your pants) to make plans for friday, a week from now. its like asking to hold the remote during the superbowl; you can practically smell the panic.
Labels: all the things i cant say to your face i write in my blog, boys: its okay to hate them, rant
dear dcist:
hurt is my favorite NIN song. i remember where i was when i first heard johnny cash's cover. i will similarily remember where i was when i first heard this:
Labels: stolen from dlisted
dear cari-poo and five-bucks coffee:
Labels: rant
austin is possibly my favorite city.
Labels: final destination: crazy town, mid-week roundup, vacation all i ever wanted, weekend rundown
while googling velveeta,* i came across an amazon wish-list belonging to someone with his name. naturally, i clicked to see if it was his. the wish-list contained exactly one item: a book called "99 ways to tell a story," which illustrates the same one page comic 99 different ways. a book which probably only one person in america owns. and that person is dewey decimal; he showed it to me a week ago while we sat at ellas drinking beer and sharing cigarettes (none for me since i quit. and sharing doesnt count - i dont care what you say!) the day before i left for austin. while it turned out not to be my velveeta's list, it did turn out to belong to a man with the same name from austin texas.
which is to say, my life is boomerang city. its been my experience that boys never really go away so much as they go into hibernation. lately, ive been feeling like its time to make some decisions about dewey decimal; ive been downgraded from "girl i date", but upgraded from "girl i avoid," meaning im now forced to navigate the uncomfortable and landmine infested grounds of "unsatisfied girl who wants more but is afraid to ask for fear of getting nothing." rarely do i put forth this much effort (and am possibly only doing so now because i know it wont work?) or let things drag on this long. so while im debating whether i can be satisfied with just being friends, a few boys from the past have come out of hiding. i spent about an hour today chatting with velveeta, who is currently imprisoned in a relationship but is requesting conjugal visits from me, and from another nickname-to-be-determined boy from the past. they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. clearly the voodoo dolls arent working; maybe its time to take drastic measures.
i have better taste in music than you and more makeup than a drag queen.